Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Calvinistic Pick Up Lines and Covenant Theology

Yep, you heard right:  Calvinistic pick up lines.  That's just one of the things you'll find in our church's latest newsletter.  

Of course, it is chuck full of many other tasty morsels which are of a more edifying nature.  This issue is dedicated to covenant theology.  Covenant theology is the interpretive key to Scripture and helps us understand how God relates to us.  This issue will define a covenant for you and begin to unravel the covenants of Scripture.


Anonymous said...

Could'nt help noticing from the provided link....

**"We all know that Reformed folk are not the best at developing deep and meaningful relationships, right?**"


Can it be concluded that embracing this belief system/worldview results in one becoming a delusional sociopath??

....Just a thought.

Matt Timmons said...

If I gave it up, perhaps I could develop your charm and relational eloquence.