Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jonathan Edwards Denies His Daughter's Hand in Marriage

In preparing for tomorrow's message on anger I found this story. It doesn't fit my message, but it is a real gem. I wanted to share it.

It is related that a young man went one day to the famous New England preacher, Jonathan Edwards, to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The venerable minister replied, “You cannot have her.”
“But I lover her!” said the man.
“No matter, you can’t have her.”
“But she loves me too.”
“I say you can’t have her.”
“But I am well off and can support her.”
“You can’t have her, I tell you.”
“Why not, Mr. Edwards? What have you against me?”
“I have nothing against you.”
“Well then, why can’t I have Emily as my bride?”
“Because I think you are a decent sort of man and are too good for her.”
“What? Mr. Edwards, whatever do you mean?”
“She’s got a wicked temper, and you wouldn’t be happy with her.”
“But I thought she was a Christian?”
"So she is, young man, so she is. But before you have to lived as long as I have you’ll find that there are some people in this world that the grace of God can live with, but you can’t.”

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