Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"He is Not a Tame Lion"

Reading through C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia series you will come across what seems to be a constant refrain. Those characters in Lewis' books who speak of Aslan, the figure that represents Christ, will often exclaim, "He's not a tame lion!"

Lewis by no means intended that the lion (i.e. Christ) was one who would lash out without any warrant--like a beast that might be kept in a zoo. Just the opposite. He is likely to lash out because he has every reason to do so.

The phrase simply reminds us that God is dangerous.

Like an untamed lion, He evokes awe and reverent fear. Approaching Him is something about which you should think twice. Sure, you may draw near, but only if you use the utmost caution. Otherwise, He will tear you apart.

Being that we live in an overly casual culture, we need this reminder: God is not your buddy. He is not like a cat who will crawl up in your lap and purr. He is the one whose "eyes are like a flame of fire" (Rev. 2:14).

Holiness defines Him. He becomes incensed at sin. Its presence makes him volatile and inclined to strike. And when He unleashes his anger it is sudden and violent, like a beast in the wild pouncing upon its prey.

He slayed Uzzah for carelessly reaching out to steady a the ark when it toppled, He struck down Ananias and Saphira for "a little white lie," He caused the earth to swallow a whole family for their disrespect.

He is not tame.

Even the most righteous would quake in his presence: Moses, "I am greatly terrified!"; Isaiah, "Woe is me, for I am undone!"; Peter, "Go away from me Lord!"

Next time you go to meet him, beware.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this reminder. It is all too easy today to loose sight of the power, might and HOLINESS of God.