Friday, March 9, 2007

Philosophy of Ministry ($$$)

We at CRF are getting the final touches on our budget (I have been consumed with it all week!). We're a bit late because of a crazy year. But I thought I would share with you our philosophy of ministry as it ties in with our budget.

Our philosophy has always been, "Do what you can, with what you have." Our resources have always been rather small, but that has not stopped us from seeking to advance Christ's kingdom. Some might look down on a church our size and think, "What can they do?" But remember, Christ had no where to lay his head let alone a mega budget. Moreover, his treasurer was constantly dipping into the stores they did have.

We believe that God has given us everything we've needed to do the work he has called us to do. This contentment couples with our belief that faithfulness in the small things will produce a harvest of righteousness. J. Hudson Taylor's words remain our banner, "God's work in God's way will never lack God's supply."

Happily, we at CRF rejoice in how blessed we've been. The Lord has poured out his love on us in many ways. One of the greatest blessings has been in the area of finances. While many churches yearn for more money, we have been surprised to have an abundance (relatively speaking of course).

Our prayer is that we may continue to be faithful, and even more productive for Christ and his glorious kingdom. Over the next year I hope to see us develop some sort of concentrated mercy ministry and continue to focus on outreach.

In sum (pun intended), we give a hearty Amen to the Apostle's words, "through Christ we can do all things."

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