Thursday, April 5, 2007

Advertising Reply

I forwarded the previous blog, "F-word Advertising" to the pastors of the church who ran the ad. I wanted them to preview the comments I made. I now post the response of the pastor for you all to see.

Thanks brother! I appreciate your view.

In light of the fact that 2/10 people (maybe on a good week//and this is all over Ohio and worse around the country...we are losing) attend churches in our county, we decided to reach out to them.

The only ones we have shocked is the church. Not 1 unchurhced person has called in offense, because maybe, just maybe we caught their attention and they will come find out what Faith is all about. As a matter of fact, they are opening up to faith, because as you read on, we started New Hope just for them. And Easter lillies and an empty tomb with a stone and 2 angels has not caught their attention yet, but a church finally has!

The ad mentions something that we say all the time...

So and so used the "F" wasn't in a sentance such as:

I F***** up.

That immediately brings it to mind.

I don't feel a need to defend our ads, but I want others in the community that are unchurhced again...2 out of 10 accordig to the 200 census, and I am sure it is no better today.I pray that we will all be serious in joining together to reach them at all costs. Jesus broke many of the so called "laws" of the day including Biblical Laws and the church hated Him so much, they killed Him. We don't claiim His authority, but we do try to shake up the community as much as we can in order that we might save some...yes, the 8/10 who are not going to your church, my church or any church,
but are on their way to a Christ-less eternity.

Thanks again for your response on this. I pray that we could work together to make an impact in our county on that sad statistic, and would love to have lunch with you sometime to talk about the grace of our God and how we might best use it in the Great Commission. We don't have to agree on everything, but let's agree to work together toward a common mission and not publically injure what God's vision for our ministry has been.

Together in the Mission,

[Signed by the Sr. pastor]


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get my blogger to work, so I'll post a comment on my own page!

Obviously, I much disagree with his methods of church ministry. But my main question about this pastor's response is, "What Biblical laws did Jesus break?" I thought he "came to fulfill them."

Anonymous said...

To clarify: I asked the pastor what he meant by "Biblical laws." He gave a list of the pharisee's laws, or what Jesus called "the traditions of men." So he did not mean the divine, moral laws.