Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blessings of the Covenant

I have been having a bit of a brain rut. But allow me to do a little fatherly bragging.

My daughter has read through her Bible (kids versions, though still as thick) 3 times. Due to her catechism work she knows more theology than I did when I was in college. Thanks to Ashland Christian School, she has an ample supply of Scripture memorized. Moreover, she is very articulate in prayer (for a five year old, of course).

I thank the Lord for His leading her. I also give him praise that at 5 years old she shows signs of a personal, living faith in Christ (In other words, I don't think it's just a bunch of head stuff.)

We certianly are not ready to present her to the elders for admitance to the Lord's table. But we thank the Lord that we can see faith sprouting in her.

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