Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ashland's November Ballot

Those ubiquitous yard signs are starting to pop up around town. That means it is almost election time. I thought I would take a moment and reflect on the issues from a Biblical perspective.


Issue 1: Bonds for Vets

Those who have dedicated their lives to protecting our country deserve the highest honor. Certainly that means they deserve to have adequate compensation for their service. Sadly, our state officials do not know how to do it.

The state wishes to issue 2 million dollars in bonds to cover the expenses to cover our veterans. This means that some day the state, which currently doesn't have any money, will have to pay back those bonds with interest. What our officials do is nothing other than a quick fix. They may solve the short term problem, but they end up creating a bigger one in the long run. Down the road, our children will be responsible for paying the debts we have incurred.

The Bible says that we are to leave no debt outstanding and that we are to leave an inheritance for our children's children. This means that, for one, we who have been protected by our soldiers are responsible to care for them. It is not our children's duty. They will have their own vets to take care of.

Secondly it means our children should experience a greater quality of life than we did. If we load them up with debt, what we do is stifle the possibility of them having that higher quality of life. That is a wicked thing.

What our governing officials should do is cut the social programs that they are currently running (and which are currently soaking up a great deal of revenue that is due to those who served our land). If, after having done that, there is still a shortage of money, they should levy a tax.

What? Did Matt just say raise taxes? I don't think it would be necessary if they got rid of the illegitimate programs that are out there. If it was though, this is an instance where a tax would be lawful. It is within the bounds of the government "bearing the sword."

Issue 2: The Meat Board

This issue, if passed, will create a meat board which will regulate the procedures farmers use in raising their animals. At the county fair it was explained to me that this committee is being formed to protect farmers against the rising cry of PETA and the like and, as a result, keep meat prices low.

I have a real beef with this issue, and believe that this issue should be defeated for a number of reasons. First, the government does not have the power to regulate how anyone raises their animals. What I do with my animals is my business. Moreover, farmers are business people. They know what way of raising animals is best for business. The average farmer doesn't need a committee telling him what he can and can't do.

To some degree, it is a lot like having a government committee formed to tell you how to raise your kids. You are obviously not smart enough or caring enough to do it right, but a bunch of bureaucrats are!

Secondly, the ballot says that the governor of Ohio is the one who will appoint the board members. One should easily see that a left leaning governor will produce a board that is not friendly to Ohio's farmers. Though those who desire the board's existence may have "conservative" interests, regulation is a liberal's friend and will quickly backfire.

Issue 3: Casino Gambling
This issue doesn't seem to go away, no matter how many times Ohioans defeat it. The argument for casino gambling is that it will create jobs and revenue for Ohio. The justification ultimately is an "ends justifies the means" argument. We could just as easily say, pornography is big business. It will create jobs and help many single mothers pay their bills.

For Christians voting is not based on outcomes, but upon Biblical principles. The Bible tells us to that gambling is wrong for two basic reasons. By gambling people are seeking to gain wealth without work and at the expense of others. God ordained that wealth be accumulated through diligence in a lawful calling. Adam was given a hoe, not a lottery ticket or slot machine.

Moreover, gambling defies "doing unto others as we would have done unto us." When a casino goes up, it preys upon people--that they may dump their hard earned money into a venture that most likely will not produce a profit.


Increase in Sales Tax
The county is looking to raise the sales tax by a quarter of a percentage. Unfortunately, the county is still paying for a host of social programs that need to be cut before a tax is levied. If they would purge these programs, most likely they would be able to run just fine.

I am also against a sales tax as a form of taxation. Sales taxes are exalted as the best form of tax because it hits people who come to the area from different towns. However, governments are to be supported by those who are under their authority. Moreover, sales taxes typically hit larger families harder because they have more things they need to purchase. Why should those who are obedient to the Scripture's admonition to have children be punished and made to pay more?


Charter amendment: change the finance officer to an appointed position
Let's see, do you think that our city officials have a good reason for wanting to make the person in charge of Ashland's money no longer a person appointed by the people of Ashland? Do you think it might be because they want to get someone in who is a little more loose and free with the expenditures? To me, this seems like nothing more than a money grab.

Yes, there have been many problems regarding this position in the last couple of years. That does not mean though that it needs to be changed. Such reasoning is actually an argument for keeping it the way it is. It has worked relatively fine up until this point, so why change it? Just because you had a few troubles at one particular moment in history doesn't mean you ditch it all together.

Imagine if my wife and I had a bumpy year in our marriage. Should we divorce, even though everything has run relatively smoothly up until this point?

Ashland City Schools and JVS levies
If you read these blogs, you probably already know where I stand on this one. First, the government is not authorized to educate our children. Secondly, not a dime of the taxes that are designated for education come to my kids! Why should I support some other kid's education, especially when that child is not going to be instructed in the fear of the Lord? I am more than willing to help a child go to the Christian school, but no one has the right to tell me that I must contribute to it.

Ashland Public Library levy
First, let me say that my family frequents the library and takes great joy in its services. We thoroughly enjoy it.

Nevertheless, why should I make Joe Schmo down the street pay for it if he never goes there? Libraries are wonderful, but it is better to let individual people pay for the services they enjoy. This is the principle of "Thou shalt not steal."

One may only look at all the other libraries to see how they operate on this principle. I have a library right here in my study. I've paid for (or received as gifts) the books I have. I also borrow books from other individual's libraries on occasion. The college and seminary also have a wide array of books that are useful. These they accumulated with their own finances. If I wanted to check out books there, I could purchase a card and become a member (or just go and read it there for free!). I make use of other types of libraries too, like Netflix and the local movie rental store. These operate on individual memberships and do quite well.

My wife and I are also willing to pay for a membership at the public library (if it is within reason of course). Since APL is quite popular in town, they probably would do quite well if they went the privatized route. As well, fund raisers and "friends of the library" donations would probably go over swimmingly within our community.


Anonymous said...

I guess if you are against the Library levy, then you won't be seen there anymore?
The library is a great source of more than just books and magazines and DVD's for many in Ashland.
I will be voting for it and I am sure the levy will pass.

Anonymous said...

The library is a great resource, but not everyone uses it. Why then should those who don't have to pay for it?

Anonymous said...

How about this: Home Hardware, Save-A-Lot and McDonalds are all great resources for many in Ashland. Should we not then pass a levy that makes everyone chip in for those services?