Friday, December 11, 2009

The Myth of US Immortality

As a homeschool dad I've had the privilege of being my daughter's history teacher for the last two years. One of the benefits is that I've had a chance to learn all about the things that I was never taught in the public school. (Looking back, the only thing that I really learned about were the Indians and how wonderfully unsavage these innocents were.)

What has become widely evident in our studies though, is that the kingdoms of man are ever so transient. It is amazing how quickly a nation can spring up, and even more amazing how quickly it can fizzle out. With great power a nation comes surging forth. It is not long though, before its power is exhausted, and it comes crashing down like a tower of blocks. Over and over I have been reminded that the nations are like a drop in the bucket to the Lord.

All this reminds me that United States is not invincible. Like all other nations, we are dependent upon the Lord's grace, and held together solely by his mere good pleasure. If Christ chooses, we too will be dispersed like the people at the tower of Babel. What is more to the point is that, should Christ tarry, we should expect our nation to go the way of all nations. No doubt it could easily be broken into smaller, independent nation states. Perhaps you can already start to see it divide: The New England states, West Coast/Rocky Mountain, Hispanica (Southern), Mid-America.

Various people seem to believe that America possesses some sort of immortality. Even Christians I have spoken to have asserted, in so many words, that we are God's nation (to which I want to say, "Remember what happened to Israel!").

This becomes evident most when people talk about the economy. They say with the utmost confidence that it will bounce back "Just like it always does." The basis for their prediction though, is nothing other than the silly notion that America has "come out of it before."

God may very well allow a revitalization. However, with an accumulation of insurmountable debt, a bent on slaughtering millions of innocents in the womb, Pharaoh-like pride and all other ills that accompany a nation who seeks not the Lord, the question that we must ask is "Should we not expect our nation to go the way of all nations?"

To be sure, God launched this great country into historic prosperity and power because it was built on the principles growing out of the Protestant Reformation (i.e. the Bible). We can confess that the nation is blessed who fears the Lord. Yet we should always keep the perspective that
God owes us nothing. Furthermore, since our roots have withered, we should realize that it will only be a matter of time before the rest of the tree is felled.

I do not doubt that God can grant us restoration. If we turn from our sins and begin to fear the Lord, we may, like Nineveh, be preserved, or have our days prolonged like Judah. Nevertheless, I would suggest that we cease asking, "How long will it be until the recovery starts to kick in?" Rather, our question should be, "How long do you think we have left?" and "What should we be doing to prepare for the collapse?"

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