The TG reported today that area representative John Boccieri (D-Alliance) spoke to the Ashland Area Chamer of Commerce yesterday. Among the topics addressed was that of health care. He is reported to have said, "I believe we have a moral responsibility that all Americans have access to affordable health care."
I would have liked to asked him what the foundation for this belief is. In other words, I would have liked to subjected him to "The Grand Sezwho."
No, that is not someone who wears a pointy hat, waves a wand and says, "Abracadabra." It is a way of showing people that they think they are God and have the right to create an ethical absolutes that others must abide by. When one makes a statement involving ethical absolutes, the question that we should ask is, "Says who?"
Boccieri reveals in his statement that the foundation for his ethical decisions is not the Bible. The Bible does not require the government to give anyone access to any kind of health care, let alone affordable health care. As a matter of fact, Boccieri would have to admit that Jesus was a sinner because He did not make a decree mandating that governments regulate affordable health care.
Being that Boccieri completely ditches what the Bible says, he obviously thinks that he is smarter than God. Further probing though, will evidence that he not only thinks himself smarter than God, but he thinks that he is God!
Boccieri must answer the question, "Says who?" Who says that we are morally obligated as a nation to provide affordable health care to anyone else (let alone everyone else!)? The only legitimate answer that he could give is, "I say so." In essence, Boccieri believes we have this moral responsibility because he has determined that we do. In essence, he sets himself up as God. As god, he has created an ethical system by which everyone else must abide.
Perhaps Boccieri would try to mock humility and say that he does not believe himself to be God. To this we respond, "Then why must we give every American access to affordable health care?"
(On the other hand, if Boccieri is honest and admits that he thinks himself as deity incarnate, why does he not provide that health care by his own supernatural power?)
This is the plight into which we fall when we deny the God who has created the world and the moral absolutes that He imposes upon that world. We fall into moral relativism and end up being ruled by every whim and imagination of any one person.
To be sure, our early American fathers had it right when they said, "If you will not be governed by God, by god, you'll be governed!"
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