Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Putting Prayer Back in Schools: Wrong Focus

"What difference will a bunch of pagan kids praying make anyway?"

These were the words of my ever insightful wife as we were discussing how many political conservatives, especially those of a Christian stripe, lament the removal of prayer from the public schools.

It is true that the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God (Prov. 15:8). However my wife's comment was only a side quip to a larger disgust we have with today's tried and true Republicans. The real problem is that "conservatives," who frequently bewail the ever encroaching socialism in our society, are perfectly fine with a socialist form of education.

In other words, people don't want the hard core socialism that the extreme left democrats promote. They want socialism lite.

This is why I wish to send out a message to all who go by the name "conservative." Putting prayer back in schools is not going to accomplish anything for our nation. Even if the atheistic/ materialistic/ humanistic teachers appease you and offer an empty prayer, what good will it do for our land?

If the conservative movement is really going to pick up momentum and start making a difference in our land, it needs to strike at the jugular. It needs to stop shuffling their kids off to the statist schools and start promoting, using, and funding private educational ventures.

We should only expect that kids who are educated in a socialized system (even if it does pray) will grow up to allow for more socialist programs. If they get it early in life in the form of education, does it stand to reason that they will want it later in life in the form of social security & health care? (Lest you forget too, those who advocate socialism today came from yester-year's public schools, where prayer was, for the most part, accepted and practiced.)

I urge you who are currently supporting the statist system to begin looking into alternative forms of education. The Ashland & Richland area has a good network of homeschoolers. If you email me, I can begin to help you with that. The area also has a number of Christians schools you could choose from (I am familiar with and deeply recommend Ashland Christian School).

The only way we can save our nation is if we stop letting our children be trained in the mindset we supposedly despise.

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