Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Prayer for the Evening Before the Healthcare Vote

Almighty God,

The kings of earth are thy subjects. You hold their hearts in your hand, and you move them like streams of water.

This is why we call upon you on this sober evening. Tomorrow our nation's authorities will execute the power you have given them. They shall act as your ministers to fulfill your eternal will, be it for our good or for our detriment.

Thus we call upon you to treat us not as our sins deserve.

That we have come to this point reveals the extent of our perversity. America was once the fruit of your kindness. You established us in your grace. You planted us and made us like a grove of lush trees. The nations looked to us. They envied and admired us. They streamed to us because you had blessed us.

But now wickedness has spread out like a fire and ungodliness devours the land. We have forsaken your word, and you have given us over to our infatuations. So it has come to pass that we stand ready to consume ourselves with the venom of our own depravity.

We pray to you though, O Giver of Life, that you might sheath your sword and let it thirst for blood no more. We ask that you would hear this supplication and stretch forth your hand to heal us and restore righteousness to our land.

With earnest humility we ask that you would give our leaders pause this night. Let them consider your way and be wise. Would that their hearts be filled with the fear of you and their eyes be lifted towards heaven to do what is right.

In ages past you did this. Perverse rulers were made to confess that you, O God, are the living God whose dominion has no end. They bent their knees and proclaimed your Name. When you intervened they were rescued. Nations were delivered when you visited them.

So, in similar fashion, let their hearts be turned towards you. May their minds be endowed with knowledge, and may they crave justice for the people.

If their minds are intent on evil, give them no rest. Let sleep flee from them. Let their dreams agitate them for fear of you. May they be given every hesitancy in preparing to defy you. And let them have no rest until their vote is cast with Christ.

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