Thursday, October 6, 2011

Juice Up Your Devotions with the Proverbs Study Guide

  My girls have recently started using the Proverbs Study Guide for their morning Bible time.  I have picked it up as well and started flipping through it.  I've listened to Kevin Swanson's radio program for the past 5 years and enjoyed every minute of it.  Swanson does an excellent job in his show of applying God's Word to everyday issues and seeing the world through a biblical worldview.  The same is true for his Proverbs Study Guide.

The book includes a brief explanation of a given proverb and questions for discussion, reflection, or personal application.  It works well for individual study, but it was originally designed as a resource for family devotion.  The book of Proverbs is God's curriculum for raising children, and this study guide is a great assistance in passing on the tenets of the faith to the next generation.

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