Sunday, March 18, 2007

Give Me Jesus!!!!!

"But we preach Christ crucified."
1 Corinthians 1:23
"I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
1 Corinthians 2:2
"And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself."
Luke 24:27
"Sir, we would see Jesus."
John 12:21
I am sick of Christless churches and Christless preaching. It irks me to no end. I have left different churches (liberal and supposedly evangelical), never to return because Christ was never mentioned in the sermons (and in some cases entire services!)
How can you call such a thing "Christian" if Christ is never mentioned. Better yet, how can you tolerate a preacher who would even think about going 1 sermon without talking about him?
The Scriptures clearly say that Christ is the content of the Scriptures and is to be the subject of the preached word. It doesn't matter if you are in the Levitical laws or those tedious genealogies, Jesus is the point!
People often say that context is king when it comes to Scripture interpretation. Well, let me rephrase: the King is the context.
Spurgeon is noted to have said that once you start preaching, your are to make your point and then run to the cross. In other words, let the people hear about Jesus.
If Christ is not in the pulpit on Sunday mornings, you should run out of the sanctuary like Christian did when he was fleeing the City of Destruction: with your fingers in your ears and screaming "Eternal life! Eternal life! Eternal life!"
The one who does not preach Christ is a devil. The devil is the anti-Christ and he will give you anything but Christ. He wants you to come with him to hell, so he will withhold the antidote.
My friends, if you are reading this and you have not heard about Jesus lately--his work, his cross, his empty tomb, his glorious person, his infinite deity, his spear torn flesh--then worry about your soul, run to safe ground, search for him! He is the pearl of great price, sell all!

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