I for one say that milk chocolate has health benefits too (and throw in there white chocolate if you want). No, I do not have scientific data. But I do know that all God's creation is good and, when used for his glory, brings life and health.
A year or so ago people seemed shocked that red wine (yes, when taken in moderation) was actually healthy for you. Imagine that! The Bible was right. "Take a little wine for your stomach" was Paul's exhortation.
What's next, a cigarette? Could that possibly be deemed healthy by scientific research? I would love to do that study because I know what I would find: When used in moderation, it would help some vital organ (I bet the lungs, but I might be wrong about that part of my hypothesis). I do know that Charles Spurgeon once said that he smoked his cigars to the glory of God.
Someone will say inevitably say to me, "What about marijuana? Can that be healthy?" Well, obviously its use on the street is not beneficial. But until recently it had been used medically, to help (was it cancer?) patients cope with their excessive pain. Just goes to show that all things are glorious when used the way God ordained it to be used.
"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good."
Genesis 1:31
I'd love to hear your comments on this one. Feel free
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