Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ashland TEA Party Set, Make It a Thoroughgoing Protest

Ashland is setting up a TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party. It is to meet at the Fin, Feather and Fur out on St. Rt. 250 at noon on the 15th. These TEA Parties are happening all around the country, most all set for tax day (April 15th).

I am planning on attending as I agree with their platform and I wish to support anything having to do with cut backs in unlawful government spending.

I am a bit skeptical of the whole ordeal though. I find that protesting is rarely ever effective. Though good for uniting people of the same mind, they typically do little to effect much in terms of real policy movement.

I do think that those who do show to protest and all who go by the name conservative should practice a thoroughgoing protest though (i.e. practice what you preach.) If you are going to clamor about government taxation, you should not be a part of the problem.

By that I mean you should not be taking money from the government that is not rightfully yours. If you participate in government funded social programs and/or cash your upcoming stimulus check, then you are only helping to reinforce what liberals want to do.

The original Tea Party sought to correct the abuses of the British government. All their efforts leading up to the event and following were consistent demonstrations of protest. If we really wish to make a statement, we ought to do the same--not with tea, but in attacking the front line of government abuse. Tell the government, "No thank-you" when you are in a position to take a hand-out.

Not only does this prevent any hypocrisy among those who are TEA'd, but it also is the right thing to do biblically. Prior posts touch on this.

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