Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Solicitor Who Hung Up on Me

Yesterday I received a call from a lady who asked if I would help petition the Ohio governing authorities to designate more funds towards some special program for needy people. It was obvious that the lady calling me had not been at the "telesoliciting" job long. She confessed to me later that I was her first call. But I interrupted her spiel (she was reading it too me of course) to ask her, "Where will our governing leaders get the money for this program?"

After a very long pause I said, "Ma'am, are you there?" She responded positively and said that she honestly didn't know where they would get the money. In the background I could hear papers shuffling. She was obviously looking for the answer to my question. After another brief pause, she began reading her spiel again.

I interrupted her again and explained that I would like to know the answer to my question. She said (with papers shuffling) that she had some FAQ's somewhere in her stack. After a second of nervous searching she began reading her spiel again (from the beginning).

I interrupted her again and explained to my flustered telephone friend that the only place where the government can get money to pay for these programs is by taking more money from ME and MY FAMILY! I tried telling her that the more money they take away from me, the less opportunity I have to benefit my own family and needy neighbors.

She apologized for being nervous and attempted to get off the phone with me. I kept her from doing so--taking advantage of the opportunity to turn the tide on a telemarketer who typically hits me with a more forceful sales pitch when I try to get off the phone in a polite manner-- and began to explain further the foolishness of government run social programs.

Ironically, she hung up on me.

Sadly, liberals are using people like this poor caller to do their dirty work. What is more sad is that their tactics are so vile: Don't dare give them any real information because then they might start to think on their own.

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