Thursday, June 4, 2009

Study Questions for Calvin’s Institutes

In view of the 500th birthday of John Calvin, a bunch of us have started a summer study group on Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. The group looks to be a solid blend of men from both Presbyterian and Brethren backgrounds (feel free to join us if you like!). Our plan is to start our reading in book 3 of the Institutes and discuss what he has to say about the Christian life.

To assist the men in their reading and comprehension I'm creating some study questions to go along with the readings. The following is the first instalment, which will be discussed June 12th.

Cross bearing (Book 3, chapter 8)
  1. What does it mean to Calvin to “bear one’s cross”? (section 1)
  2. Why does God cause us to bear the cross? (sect. 1-4)
  3. How is cross bearing a remedy/medicine for us? (sect. 5)
  4. What is the difference between believers and unbelievers when it comes to God’s discipline? (sec. 6)
  5. What is to be the attitude of a Christian when he undergoes persecution? (sec. 7-8)
  6. How does a Christian’s suffering differ from a Stoic’s? (sec 9-11)

Meditations on the Future Life (3.9)

  1. How are our minds aroused to ponder the life to come? (sec. 1)
  2. What images does Calvin use regarding this life in comparison to the next?
  3. Does Calvin countenance suicide?
  4. What does Calvin think of those who are gripped with a fear of death? (sec. 5)

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