Senator Boccieri obviously got a little miffed with a constituent who pinned the tail on the donkey. Typically you wouldn't see this sort of response to a couple of lines in a small time paper in a small potatoes town. Boccieri must have felt he had to respond because the letter hit a little too close.
Either that, or Boccieri is taking after Obama and feeling like it is his duty to respond to every criticism that arises. If this is true, it only shows his weakness of character.
Boccieri's response is amazingly weak though. He is right in that America's dependence on foreign oil is a national security risk. However, if he were really concerned about our security, he and the rest of Congress would have sunk drills into our own soil long ago. To tout all this garbage about "alternative energies" means he wants toy tanks that run on solar and wind power. That doesn't sound like a secure future for America to me.
Boccieri and his ilk must face it: Oil is a God given gift, and it is here to stay. Take it away and you put America at greater risk. What made America the strongest nation in the world (history) was its freedom. Tyranny and governmental control always produces weakness.
It is also hilarious (well, not really) that he quotes John McCain and George Bush as men who represent conservative policy! He is obviously so liberal that he thinks these men represent the right.
Boccieri also reveals his un-American mindset when he agrees w/ McCain that cap and trade is a free market solution. Since when is government intrusion into the private sector a part of free market economics? Our politicians are so far gone to the left that they cannot even fathom what liberty actually looks like.
Boccieri also uses the garb of global warming to package his sorry response. (Of course, it wouldn't be a political response if we didn't have a little scare tactic thrown in). Everyone knows by now that if people were serious about global warming they would be taking personal steps to fight it. Yet we don't see Boccieri wearing sack cloth and stripping himself of all oil associated products. Their lack of personal action reveals that they are not concerned with the planet. All they want is power to control.
I think your post on Boccieri is dead wrong.
And if you think there is no such thing as global warming, you are not paying attention to what most of the world's scientists are saying.
Oh, that's right! You don't believe in science do you?
Reliance on oil keeps us beholden to the Middle East. We have the minds and the tools to come up with clean and cheap fuel for cars and homes. This is the future. The past has not served us well as we should have learned in the 70's.
Our nation is selfish in insisting on driving gas guzzlers. We can solve this problem with what Obama sees as a solution to this matter and also by each of us taking our own steps in conserving all energy.
I am very proud of my congressman John Boccieri and will continue to help him in any way I can.
I believe in science (investigating and examining God's creation), but not scientism (denying God and making absurd theories that do not have anything to do with fact or scientific investigation).
The global warming gunk is not science. There are just as many global warming deniers as there are affirmers. (just listen to A lot of people deny that the holocaust happened. That doesn't make them right.
I said that Middle East oil is a national threat. Didn't you read that? Drill here, drill yesterday! Take dominion of the good earth God gave us.
I agree. We do have the means and minds to get off oil (see If you let the free market continue to do its thing we will see it come to fruition.
What you witness in the youtube video above is freedom at work. This would never have happened under the USSR. The lesson that history and Scripture teaches is that government control chokes productivity. Whenever power is centralized and men try to become god, people die and science is stiffled.
I suspect then that you, Obama and Boccieri will give up your air conditioners, oil driven cars, plane rides, clothes, and all that has to do with oil in the name of conserving?
People like you do not have a clue what it means to take dominion of the earth and subdue it. You don't fear God, so you don't know what is right for God's creation.
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