Friday, September 4, 2009

Contemporary Witches & Warlocks

When most people think of witches and warlocks they think of pointy hats, long noses (with just as long warts), black cats and broomsticks. However, a witch/warlock by definition is simply a person who practices sorcery. It is common too that these people have supernatural power (or some semblance thereof) because of a compact with the devil.

It is my belief that there are many such persons existing around us today, even posing as our friendly neighbors. They are a close cousin to the fringe Wicca occult participants, though they may not recognize these overt witches as immediate relations. I would assume too that they would be offended if you addressed them as a witch and warlock. They prefer the title of pastor.

That's right, today's witches and warlocks are the liberal religious leaders occupying the Christless pulpits across America.

How it is that I can call them witches and warlocks? Consider the following:

1. Liberal pastors correspond to witches because they have compact with the spiritual forces of the dark world. Liberal pastors acknowledge a supreme, supernatural power (or powers), but it is not the true and living God. Their understanding of the divine is nothing like that which is revealed in Scripture. They feel free to mix religions and follow their own ethical whims rather than submit to the Scripture. Therefore, though they use the terms "Lord" and "Christ," the one they acknowledge is a demonic representation of the real Son of God. Then, to seal their position, they take vows of ordination to serve these demonic powers faithfully.

2. Like witches they practice sorcery. They might say that they are praying, and they will even assume a reverent posture to mimic the Christian practice. In all reality it is nothing more than calling upon the powers of darkness to accomplish their dark deeds.

Consider this article from World Magazine on the ELCA's recent decision to permit homosexuality and homosexual clergy. More specifically, focus in on the picture. You have men and women bowing their heads, holding hands and chanting an incantation, asking the Lord of Darkness to intervene and be exalted in the vote.

Similarly, I will never forget my stint on the pastoral search committee as a youth in the mainline Presbyterian church I was a part of. One of the candidates expressed how she liked to lead the youth of her church in yoga like practices so that they could achieve contact with other realities and dimensions.
This was no doubt a more developed (and therefore more rare) form of divination. Nevertheless, it represents what the end result of liberalism is. Having cast aside God and the ordinances He lays out in Scripture, one enters into a world of evil spirituality.

3. They cast spells. Of course, they do not mix frog legs into a smoking cauldron to create a magic potion. Their ways are much more subtle than that. This breed of sorcerers use the the power of persuasion upon their prey. Their goal is use enchanting words from the pulpit so that the minds of those sitting in their pews will obey their every command. By these charms they hope to push the masses further away from the true God and influence the overall trends of society.

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