Saturday, September 12, 2009

What They are Saying About Matt

The following are some comments that were left on my News Journal blog. I thought I would publish them together and in their own right, rather than have them distributed variously.

Regarding my blog on the decision of the ELCA to accept homosexuals:

Who are you to judge who are Christian men; are you assuming the authority of God. Jesus did not like the pharisees very much.

You are pathetic. I am not agreement with the action either but your deliberate action to denounce another denomination is going too far. And you have the gall to call yourself a Christian. There are many Lutherans in the area. I wonder what Trinity Lutheran would think of your blog.

You are a heathen.

You are just into condemning those who do not follow your educated trash.

Covenant Presbyterian is a fake religion. A mockery of Christ.

Regarding my blog on Boccieri's letter to the Times Gazzette:

You are going to lose your tax exempt status. Stay out of politics and do what you are called to do; share the Gospel.

(Matt's note: I don't think Jeremiah stayed out of politics. Something tells me that the 10 commandments have something to do with that sphere of life too. If you are going to preach the gospel, you need first to preach the law! And ooooo, what a threat! They will take away my tax exempt status! What ever will I do then!)

[I was also called a racist over on the TG by someone who read this post. I think that is funny. That person obviously doesn't know the make up of my family!]

Regarding my blog on global warming:
The Wat [I think this person means "world"] is scorching. Our weather patterns are all messed up. We either take global warming(not sure that is a good title) seriously or we shall all be creamed.

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