Thursday, February 4, 2010

New News Source for Area Christians

I recently started a local news column at I would encourage you to visit if you are interested in keeping up on news from around the area specifically relating to Christian interests.

While the column is entitled, Ashland Biblical Living, it will focus on much more than Ashland and devotional material. The project will include the surrounding area (Richland/Ashland/Wayne/Holmes Counties), and focus on lots of different items, such as local politics, home / Christian education, area pro-life activity, etc. In essence, it has to do with anything relating to Biblically oriented people in this community.

I would also solicit any press releases or any informal "heads up" you might like to pass my way regarding any newsworthy. Keeping me in the know will help to keep others in the area informed too.

When you visit the site, I would also encourage you to subscribe by clicking on the subscribe icon. That way you may have articles sent straight to your email inbox, and will not have to keep clicking back.

Finally, if you are wondering, this site is not a blog. It is dedicated to actual reporting, rather than opinion oriented material. My regular commentary will continue to be posted here (much to the chagrin of some, I'm sure!).

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