Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl Ads Say "Men are Feminized"

Yet again, for perhaps the 10th year in a row, I missed the Super Bowl (Its that whole "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" thing). Yet, my wife spotted this post on the True Woman site. It is interesting because she picks up so well on what the Super Bowl ads are saying about today's men.

Reflecting on the Dove soap ad, Dodge Charger ad, the Dockers ad, Mary Kassian says,

The common theme, and the probable finding of market research, is that men are keenly feeling the effects of the feminist movement. They are painfully aware that they've been bossed around by women and told what they should be and do. Women have defined manhood.

The first commercial encourages men to accept this fact and continue to be feminized. The second encourages them to hold on to the very few areas in which they are still allowed to make decisions. And the third encourages them to stop being proud of their de-masculinization and again start to wear the pants.

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