Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Outrage over Tebow Ad Telling

While we are talking about Super Bowl ads and how they reveal the demise of our culture, you should be sure to check out Sally Jenkin's witty article in the Washington Post.

Jenkins herself is pro-choice, but she zeros in on how the outrage over the Tim Tebow ad (which promotes a pro-life position). She points out that it reveals how absurd the feminist movement has become.

Jenkins says that the feminists' outrage shows how today's feminists "aren't actually "pro-choice so much as they are pro-abortion."

In the main Jenkins notes how the feminist movement is now so backward that it embraces what is derogatory for women. She says,
Apparently NOW [the National Organization of Women] feels this commercial is an inappropriate message for America to see for 30 seconds, but women in bikinis selling beer is the right one.
She then goes on to write about how Tebow's gentlemanly spirit and overall respect for women supersedes the average male (let alone male athlete!). Her conclusion: Isn't this Tebow guy the kind of guy we want?!

What I find amazing is that the outrage over this commercial was so intense, while the ad was incredibly mild. Today was the first time I actually saw the clip, but I've been hearing of the complaints for weeks now. From all the hype that circulated, I thought the ad was going to be "up-in-your-face, adamantly pro-life, take it and eat it" in Phineas-like intensity. Yet the 30 second spot (hardly any amount of time to say much of anything!), is light, funny, and overwhelmingly Hallmark-esc.

Moreover, I though the pro-life message, while certainly there, was probably not all that noticeable to most. I might even say that it was overshadowed by the simple "I love my mom and she loves me" theme.

It is quite evident from this that the crusade of the feminists though will leave no stone unturned. We might even predict that next year's Super Bowl will have a response ad sponsored by NOW or Planned Parenthood--one showing a woman happily enjoying her abortion and portraying how freeing/commendable it is to have one performed.

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